4th Grade Class from Laporte Enjoys Field Trip to Deep Portage
Written by: Steve Booth, 4th grade teacher at Laporte Public School Alex Kingbird, Abe Tusler and Dayne Nielsen built their own fire in the Winter Survival Skills class at Deep Portage. "Best ever field trip!" and "I can't wait to go back!" were some of the reactions from students after a recent overnight field trip to the Deep Portage Environmental Learning Center near Hackensack. Teachers accompanied the students along with several volunteer parents and a grandparents. The April trip was planned last fall and archery and canoeing were originally on the schedule, but with the extension of snow and winter this season, the trip was modified to include winter survival skills and a group snow chase game. Fourth graders were outdoors in 10 degree temperatures building shelters in small groups from natural materials and collecting combustible materials and learning the best way to build a one match fire. Later in the day all 34 students were o...